OpacityTool computes dust opacities for disc modelling; it includes a number of robust facts obtained from observations and theory and goes beyond astronomical silicates. It provides output files with κext(λ),κabs(λ),κsca(λ) as a function of wavelength λ, and the 6 scattering matrix elements for randomly oriented particles, F11(λ,θ), F12(λ,θ), F22(λ,θ), F33(λ, θ), F34(λ, θ), F44(λ, θ) as functions of wavelength and scattering angle θ.
This code is superseded by optool (ascl:2104.010).
Please cite 1981ApOpt..20.3657T, 2016A%26A...586A.103W, 2005A%26A...432..909M, 1995A%26A...300..503D, and 1996MNRAS.282.1321Z