SELCIE (Screening Equations Linearly Constructed and Iteratively Evaluated) investigates the chameleon model that arises from screening a scalar field introduced in some modified gravity models that is coupled to matter. The code provides tools to construct user defined meshes by utilizing the GMSH mesh generation software. These tools include constructing shapes whose boundaries are defined by some function or by constructing it out of basis shapes such as circles, cones and cylinders. The mesh can also be separated into subdomains, each of which having its own refinement parameters. These meshes can then be converted into a format that is compatible with the finite element software FEniCS. SELCIE uses FEniCS (ascl:2110.018) with a nonlinear solving method (Picard or Newton method) to solve the chameleon equation of motion for some parameters and density distribution. These density distributions are constructed by having the density profile of each subdomain being set by a user defined function, allowing for extremely customizable setups that are easy to implement.