Mister plotter (mr-plotter) creates paper-quality mass-radius diagrams based on a wide range of state-of-the-art models of planetary interiors and atmospheres. It can be used to contextualize planets and infer their possible internal structures. It can also be used to search for correlations at a population level with its color-coding option based on any property collected in the NASA Exoplanet Archive, PlanetS, and Exoplanet.eu catalogs. mr-plotter can also produce article-ready two-column plots.
https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023A&A...675A..52C and the acknowledgement: This work made use of mr-plotter, available in https://github.com/castro-gzlz/mr-plotter/. See additional information here: https://github.com/castro-gzlz/mr-plotter#Credits