Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Submit a Code

The ASCL gladly accepts submitted codes meeting our criteria. Your code will show up immediately for public viewing but will be subject to moderation. Code entries are examined by an editor for completion and suitability and may be edited; entries meeting our criteria will be assigned an ASCL ID and indexed by ADS.

Plain text.
Names should follow the format Surname, Firstname I. Separate additional names with semicolons. Plain text.
Plain text.
One link per line. This should be the URL to a site from where your code can be downloaded or copied.
(Not required if paper has been submitted but not yet published.) One link per line. Papers that reference your code.
(Not required) Bibcode for ASCL or paper entry; if using another method, please describe it in the notes field. Plain text.
This will be hidden from public view. It is required so an editor can contact you upon assignment of the ASCL ID.
This will be hidden from public view. It is required so an editor can contact you upon assignment of the ASCL ID.
Any further information you would like to provide the editors. This will also not be displayed publicly. Note that some HTML is allowed in titles and abstracts, for instance a super or subscript in the title or some formatting within the abstract such as an anchor. Please mention that here without using HTML, eg "the 2 in emc2 should be a superscript". Alternatively, correspondence with the editor may be required for more complex requests.

Bot challenge: Type what the galaxies say.