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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2004.004] WD: Wilson-Devinney binary star modeling

Wilson-Devinney binary star modeling code (WD) is a complete package for modeling binary stars and their eclipes and consists of two main modules. The LC module generates light and radial velocity curves, spectral line profiles, images, conjunction times, and timing residuals; the DC module handles differential corrections, performing parameter adjustment of light curves, velocity curves, and eclipse timings by the Least Squares criterion. WD handles eccentric orbits and asynchronous rotation, and can compute velocity curves (with proximity and eclipse effects). It offers options for detailed reflection and nonlinear (logarithmic law) limb darkening, adjustment of spot parameters, an optional provision for spots to drift over the surface, and can follow light curve development over large numbers of orbits. Absolute flux solution allow Direct Distance Estimation (DDE) and there are improved solutions for ellipsoidal variables and for eclipsing binaries (EBs) with very shallow eclipses. Absolute flux solutions also can estimate temperatures of both EB components under suitable circumstances.

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