Healpix.jl is a Julia-only port of the C/C++/Fortran/Python HEALPix library (ascl:1107.018), which implements a hierarchical pixelization of the sphere in equal-area pixels. Much like the original library, Healpix.jl supports two enumeration schemes for the pixels (RING and NESTED) and implements an optimized computation of the generalized Fourier transform using spherical harmonics, binding libsharp2 (ascl:1402.033). In addition, Healpix.jl provides four additional features: 1.) it fully supports Windows systems, alongside the usual Linux and MAC OS X machines; 2.) it uses Julia's strong typesystem to prevent several bugs related to mismatches in map ordering (e.g., combining a RING map with a NESTED map); 3.) it uses a versatile memory layout so that map bytes can be stored in shared memory objects or on GPUs; and 4.) it implements an elegant and general way to signal missing values in maps.