Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:2207.005] echelle: Dynamic echelle diagrams for asteroseismology

Echelle diagrams are used mainly in asteroseismology, where they function as a diagnostic tool for estimating Δν, the separation between modes of the same degree ℓ; the amplitude spectrum of a star is stacked in equal slices of Δν, the large separation. The echelle Python code creates and manipulates echelle diagrams. The code provides the ability to dynamically change Δν for rapid identification of the correct value. echelle features performance optimized dynamic echelle diagrams and multiple backends for supporting Jupyter or terminal usage.

[ascl:2401.001] tomso: TOols for Models of Stars and their Oscillations

tomso loads and saves input and output files for and from stellar evolution and oscillation codes. The functions are bundled together in modules that correspond with a specific stellar evolution code, stellar oscillation code, or file format. tomso supports the FGONG format and various input/output files for ADIPLS (ascl:1109.002), GYRE (ascl:1308.010), MESA (ascl:1010.083), and STARS (ascl:1107.008). tomso's main purpose is to provide a compact interface for manipulating input and output data in these formats and simplify research that uses them.