➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
smops interpolates input sub-band model FITS images, such as those produced by WSClean (ascl:1408.023), into more finely channelized sub-band model FITS images, thus generating model images at a higher frequency resolution. It is a Python-based command line tool. For example, given input model FITS images initially created from sub-dividing a given bandwidth into four, smops can subdivide that bandwidth further, resulting in more finely channelized model images, to a specified frequency resolution. This smooths out the stepwise behavior of models across frequency, which can improve the results of self-calibration with such models.
dask-ms is a data access layer that presents Measurement Set v2.0 data to developers as xarray datasets of dask arrays. It supports the CASA Data Table System, Zarr and Apache Arrow formats, but abstracts them away from the developer at the xarray dataset level. It therefore serves as a basis for writing distributed PyData Radio Astronomy applications.
Codex Africanus is a Radio Astronomy algorithms library. It presents radio astronomy algorithms to the user as modular functions accepting NumPy inputs and producing NumPy outputs. Internally, it uses Numba to accelerate these codes and Dask to parallelise and distribute them.