Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Searching for codes credited to 'Cigan, Phil'

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[ascl:1909.002] MultiColorFits: Colorize and combine multiple fits images for visually aesthetic scientific plots

MultiColorFits is a tool to colorize and combine multiple fits images for making visually aesthetic scientific plots. The standard method to make color composites by combining fits images programmatically in python is to assign three images as separate red, green, and blue channels. This can produce unsatisfactory results for a variety of reasons, such as when less than three images are available, or additional images are desired to be shown. MultiColorFits breaks these limitations by allowing users to apply any color to a given image, not just red, green, or blue. Composites can then be created from an arbitrary number of images. Controls are included for stretching brightness scales with common functions.

[submitted] obsplanning - a set of python utilities to aid in planning astronomical observations

Obsplanning is a suite of tools to help plan astronomical observations from ground-based observatories, for traditional single-site as well as multi-station (VLBI) observing. Conveniently determine observability of objects in the sky from your observatory, and produce plots to help you prepare for your observations over the course of a session. Celestial source coordinates (including solar system objects) can be queried or created, and transformed. Calibrator or reference sources can be selected by proximity, and slew order can be optimized to save valuable telescope time. Plots and visualizations can be easily made to chart source elevation and transits, source proximity to the Sun and Moon, concurrent 'up time' of sources at multiple sites (for VLBI or tandem observations), 'dark time' at a telescope site for a given year, finder plots made from real images (with options to query online databases), and more.

[ascl:2410.002] pysymlog: Symmetric (signed) logarithm scale for Python plots

pysymlog provides utilities for binning, normalizing colors, wrangling tick marks, and other tasks, in symmetric logarithm space. For numbers spanning positive and negative values, the code works in log scale with a transition through zero, down to some threshold. This is useful for representing data that span many scales such as standard log-space that include values of zero or even negative values. pysymlog provides convenient functions for creating 1D and 2D histograms and symmetric log bins, generating logspace-like arrays through zero and managing matplotlib major and minor ticks in symlog space, as well as bringing symmetric log scaling functionality to plotly.