➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
HBT is a Hierarchical Bound-Tracing subhalo finder and merger tree builder, for numerical simulations in cosmology. It tracks haloes from birth and continues to track them after mergers, finding self-bound structures as subhaloes and recording their merger histories as merger trees.
SubGen generates Monte-Carlo samples of dark matter subhaloes. It fully describes the joint distribution of subhaloes in final mass, infall mass, and radius; it can be used to predict derived distributions involving combinations of these quantities, including the universal subhalo mass function, the subhalo spatial distribution, the gravitational lensing profile, the dark matter annihilation radiation profile and boost factor. SubGen works only for CDM subhaloes; for an extension of the code to also work with WDM subhaloes, see SubGen2 (ascl:2312.036).
HBT+ is a hybrid subhalo finder and merger tree builder for cosmological simulations. It comes as an MPI edition that can be run on distributed clusters or shared memory machines and is MPI/OpenMP parallelized, and also as an OpenMP edition that can be run on shared memory machines and is only OpenMP parallelized. This version is more memory efficient than the MPI branch on shared memory machines, and is more suitable for analyzing zoomed-in simulations that are difficult to balance on distributed clusters. Both editions support hydro simulations with gas/stars.
The SubGen2 subhalo population generator works for both CDM and WDM of arbitrary DM particle mass. It can be used to generate a population of subhaloes according to the joint distribution of subhalo bound mass, infall mass and halo-centric distance in a halo of a given mass. SubGen2 is an extension to SubGen (ascl:2312.035), which works only for CDM subhaloes.