➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
LensQuEst forecasts the signal-to-noise of CMB lensing estimators (standard, shear-only, magnification-only), generates mock maps, lenses them, and applies various lensing estimators to them. It can manipulate flat sky maps in various ways, including FFT, filtering, power spectrum, generating Gaussian random field, and applying lensing to a map, and evaluate these estimators on flat sky maps.
LaSSI produces forecasts for the LSST 3x2 point functions analysis, or the LSSTxCMB S4 and LSSTxSO 6x2 point functions analyses using a Fisher matrix. It computes the auto and cross correlations of galaxy number density, galaxy shear and CMB lensing convergence. The software includes the effect of Gaussian and outlier photo-z errors, shear multiplicative bias, linear galaxy bias, and extensions to ΛCDM.
HaloGen computes all auto and cross spectra and halo model trispectrum in simple configurations. This modular halo model code computes 3d power spectra, and the corresponding projected 2d power spectra in the Limber and flat sky approximations. The observables include matter density, galaxy lensing, CMB lensing, thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich, cosmic infrared background, tracers with any dn/dz, b(z) and HOD.
ThumbStack produces stacked maps and profiles, given catalogs of object positions and maps. It is designed for thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements. Based on Pixell (ascl:2102.003), it outputs 2D stacked maps and radial profiles for different filters (e.g., aperture photometry filters), as well as their covariances, estimated through several methods including bootstrap.