Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Searching for codes credited to 'Barsdell, Ben'

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[ascl:1711.021] Bifrost: Stream processing framework for high-throughput applications

Bifrost is a stream processing framework that eases the development of high-throughput processing CPU/GPU pipelines. It is designed for digital signal processing (DSP) applications within radio astronomy. Bifrost uses a flexible ring buffer implementation that allows different signal processing blocks to be connected to form a pipeline. Each block may be assigned to a CPU core, and the ring buffers are used to transport data to and from blocks. Processing blocks may be run on either the CPU or GPU, and the ring buffer will take care of memory copies between the CPU and GPU spaces.

[ascl:2407.016] Heimdall: GPU accelerated transient detection pipeline for radio astronomy

Heimdall uses direct, tree, and sub-band dedispersion algorithms on massively parallel computing architectures (GPUs) to speed up real-time detection of radio pulsar and other transient events.