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[ascl:2309.016] PEREGRINE: Gravitational wave parameter inference with neural ration estimation

PEREGRINE performs full parameter estimation on gravitational wave signals. Using an internal Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation (TMNRE) algorithm and building upon the swyft (ascl:2302.016) code to efficiently access marginal posteriors, PEREGRINE conducts a sequential simulation-based inference approach to support the analysis of both transient and continuous gravitational wave sources. The code can fully reconstruct the posterior distributions for all parameters of spinning, precessing compact binary mergers using waveform approximants.

[ascl:2408.015] SAQQARA: Stochastic gravitational wave background analysis

SAQQARA analyzes stochastic gravitational wave background signals. This Simulation-based Inference (SBI) library is built on top of the swyft code (ascl:2302.016), which implements neural ratio estimation to efficiently access marginal posteriors for all parameters of interest. Simulation-based inference combined with implicit marginalization (over nuisance parameters) has been shown to be well suited for SGWB data analysis.