Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Searching for codes credited to 'Bird, Simeon'

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[ascl:1706.006] GenPK: Power spectrum generator

GenPK generates the 3D matter power spectra for each particle species from a Gadget snapshot. Written in C++, it requires both FFTW3 and GadgetReader.

[ascl:1710.012] FSFE: Fake Spectra Flux Extractor

The fake spectra flux extractor generates simulated quasar absorption spectra from a particle or adaptive mesh-based hydrodynamic simulation. It is implemented as a python module. It can produce both hydrogen and metal line spectra, if the simulation includes metals. The cloudy table for metal ionization fractions is included. Unlike earlier spectral generation codes, it produces absorption from each particle close to the sight-line individually, rather than first producing an average density in each spectral pixel, thus substantially preserving more of the small-scale velocity structure of the gas. The code supports both Gadget (ascl:0003.001) and AREPO (ascl:1909.010).

[ascl:2407.011] bigfile: A reproducible massively parallel IO library for hierarchical data

bigfile stores data from cosmology simulations from HPC systems and beyond. It provides a hierarchical structure of data columns via File, Dataset and Column. A Column stores a two dimensional table. Numerical typed columns are supported; attributes can be attached to a Column and both numerical attributes and string attributes are supported. Type casting is performed on-the-fly if read/write operations request a different data type than the file has stored.