Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1701.011] GWFrames: Manipulate gravitational waveforms

GWFrames eliminates all rotational behavior, thus simplifying the waveform as much as possible and allowing direct generalizations of methods for analyzing nonprecessing systems. In the process, the angular velocity of a waveform is introduced, which also has important uses, such as supplying a partial solution to an important inverse problem.

This code is no longer maintained; much of its functionality has been moved to scri (ascl:2303.011) or to sxs.

[ascl:2303.011] Scri: Manipulate time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics

Scri manipulates time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics. It implements the BMS transformations of the most common gravitational waveforms, including the Newman-Penrose quantity ψ4, the Bondi news function, the shear spin coefficient σ, and the transverse-traceless metric perturbation h, as well as the remaining Newman-Penrose quantities ψ0 through ψ3.