Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1804.011] DESCQA: Synthetic Sky Catalog Validation Framework

The DESCQA framework provides rigorous validation protocols for assessing the quality of high-quality simulated sky catalogs in a straightforward and comprehensive way. DESCQA enables the inspection, validation, and comparison of an inhomogeneous set of synthetic catalogs via the provision of a common interface within an automated framework. An interactive web interface is also available at

[ascl:2406.006] anzu: Measurements and emulation of Lagrangian bias models for clustering and lensing cross-correlations

The anzu package offers two independent codes for hybrid Lagrangian bias models in large-scale structure. The first code measures the hybrid "basis functions"; the second takes measurements of these basis functions and constructs an emulator to obtain predictions from them at any cosmology (within the bounds of the training set). anzu is self-contained; given a set of N-body simulations used to build emulators, it measures the basis functions. Alternatively, given measurements of the basis functions, anzu should in principle be useful for constructing a custom emulator.