Searching for codes credited to 'Falcke, H.'
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ionFR: Ionospheric Faraday rotation
Sotomayor-Beltran, C.;
Sobey, C.;
Hessels, J. W. T.;
de Bruyn, G.;
Noutsos, A.;
Alexov, A.;
Anderson, J.;
Asgekar, A.;
Avruch, I. M.;
Beck, R.;
Bell, M. E.;
Bell, M. R.;
Bentum, M. J.;
Bernardi, G.;
Best, P.;
Birzan, L.;
Bonafede, A.;
Breitling, F.;
Broderick, J.;
Brouw, W. N.;
Brueggen, M.;
Ciardi, B.;
de Gasperin, F.;
Dettmar, R.-J.;
van Duin, A.;
Duscha, S.;
Eisloeffel, J.;
Falcke, H.;
Fallows, R. A.;
Fender, R.;
Ferrari, C.;
Frieswijk, W.;
Garrett, M. A.;
Griessmeier, J.;
Grit, T.;
Gunst, A. W.;
Hassall, T. E.;
Heald, G.;
Hoeft, M.;
Horneffer, A.;
Iacobelli, M.;
Juette, E.;
Karastergiou, A.;
Keane, E.;
Kohler, J.;
Kramer, M.;
Kondratiev, V. I.;
Koopmans, L. V. E.;
Kuniyoshi, M.;
Kuper, G.;
van Leeuwen, J.;
Maat, P.;
Macario, G.;
Markoff, S.;
McKean, J. P.;
Mulcahy, D. D.;
Munk, H.;
Orru, E.;
Paas, H.;
Pandey-Pommier, M.;
Pilia, M.;
Pizzo, R.;
Polatidis, A. G.;
Reich, W.;
Roettgering, H.;
Serylak, M.;
Sluman, J.;
Stappers, B. W.;
Tagger, M.;
Tang, Y.;
Tasse, C.;
ter Veen, S.;
Vermeulen, R.;
van Weeren, R. J.;
Wijers, R. A. M. J.;
Wijnholds, S. J.;
Wise, M. W.;
Wucknitz, O.;
Yatawatta, S.;
Zarka, P.
ionFR calculates the amount of ionospheric Faraday rotation for a specific epoch, geographic location, and line-of-sight. The code uses a number of publicly available, GPS-derived total electron content maps and the most recent release of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. ionFR can be used for the calibration of radio polarimetric observations; its accuracy had been demonstrated using LOFAR pulsar observations.
BHJet: Semi-analytical black hole jet model
Lucchini, M.;
Ceccobello, C.;
Markoff, S.;
Kini, Y.;
Chhotray, A.;
Connors, R. M. T.;
Crumley, P.;
Falcke, H.;
Kantzas, D.;
Maitra, D.
BHJet models steady-state SEDs of jets launched from accreting black holes. This semi-analytical, multi-zone jet model is applicable across the entire black hole mass scale, from black hole X-ray binaries (both low and high mass) to active galactic nuclei of any class (from low-luminosity AGN to flat spectrum radio quasars). It is designed to be more comparable than other codes to GRMHD simulations and/or RMHD semi-analytical solutions.