Searching for codes credited to 'Heng, K.'
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THOR: Global Circulation Model for planetary atmospheres
THOR solves the three-dimensional nonhydrostatic Euler equations. The code implements an icosahedral grid for the poles where converging meridians lead to increasingly smaller time steps; irregularities in the grid are smoothed using spring dynamics. THOR is designed to run on graphics processing units (GPUs) and is part of the open-source Exoclimes Simulation Platform.
pycheops: Light curve analysis for ESA CHEOPS data
Maxted, P. F. L.;
Ehrenreich, D.;
Wilson, T. G.;
Alibert, Y.;
Cameron, A. Collier;
Hoyer, S.;
Sousa, S. G.;
Olofsson, G.;
Bekkelien, A.;
Deline, A.;
Delrez, L.;
Bonfanti, A.;
Borsato, L.;
Alonso, R.;
Anglada Escudé, G.;
Barrado, D.;
Barros, S. C. C.;
Baumjohann, W.;
Beck, M.;
Beck, T.;
Benz, W.;
Billot, N.;
Biondi, F.;
Bonfils, X.;
Brandeker, A.;
Broeg, C.;
Bárczy, T.;
Cabrera, J.;
Charnoz, S.;
Corral Van Damme, C.;
Csizmadia, Sz;
Davies, M. B.;
Deleuil, M.;
Demangeon, O. D. S.;
Demory, B. -O.;
Erikson, A.;
Florén, H. G.;
Fortier, A.;
Fossati, L.;
Fridlund, M.;
Futyan, D.;
Gandolfi, D.;
Gillon, M.;
Guedel, M.;
Guterman, P.;
Heng, K.;
Isaak, K. G.;
Kiss, L.;
Laskar, J.;
Lecavelier des Etangs, A.;
Lendl, M.;
Lovis, C.;
Magrin, D.;
Nascimbeni, V.;
Ottensamer, R.;
Pagano, I.;
Pallé, E.;
Peter, G.;
Piotto, G.;
Pollacco, D.;
Pozuelos, F. J.;
Queloz, D.;
Ragazzoni, R.;
Rando, N.;
Rauer, H.;
Reimers, C.;
Ribas, I.;
Salmon, S.;
Santos, N. C.;
Scandariato, G.;
Simon, A. E.;
Smith, A. M. S.;
Steller, M.;
Swayne, M. I.;
Szabó, Gy M.;
Ségransan, D.;
Thomas, N.;
Udry, S.;
Van Grootel, V.;
Walton, N. A.
pycheops analyzes CHEOPS light curve data. The models in the package can also be applied to other types of data. pycheops includes a "cook book" and examples; in addition, it provides a command-line tool that aids in the preparation of observing requests for CHEOPS observers.