Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1802.005] Verne: Earth-stopping effect for heavy dark matter

Verne calculates the Earth-stopping effect for super-heavy Dark Matter (DM). The code allows you to calculate the speed distribution (and DM signal rate) at an arbitrary detector location on the Earth. The calculation takes into account the full anisotropic DM velocity distribution and the full velocity dependence of the DM-nucleus cross section. Results can be obtained for any DM mass and cross section, though the results are most reliable for very heavy DM particles.

[ascl:1802.011] runDM: Running couplings of Dark Matter to the Standard Model

runDM calculates the running of the couplings of Dark Matter (DM) to the Standard Model (SM) in simplified models with vector mediators. By specifying the mass of the mediator and the couplings of the mediator to SM fields at high energy, the code can calculate the couplings at low energy, taking into account the mixing of all dimension-6 operators. runDM can also extract the operator coefficients relevant for direct detection, namely low energy couplings to up, down and strange quarks and to protons and neutrons.

[ascl:1802.008] AntiparticleDM: Discriminating between Majorana and Dirac Dark Matter

AntiparticleDM calculates the prospects of future direct detection experiments to discriminate between Majorana and Dirac Dark Matter (i.e., to determine whether Dark Matter is its own antiparticle). Direct detection event rates and mock data generation are dealt with by a variation of the WIMpy code.

[ascl:1806.002] BHDD: Primordial black hole binaries code

BHDD (BlackHolesDarkDress) simulates primordial black hole (PBH) binaries that are clothed in dark matter (DM) halos. The software uses N-body simulations and analytical estimates to follow the evolution of PBH binaries formed in the early Universe.

[ascl:2002.012] DMRadon: Radon Transform calculation tools

DMRadon calculates the Radon Transform for use in the analysis of Directional Dark Matter Direct Detection. The code can calculate speed distributions, velocity distribution, velocity integral (eta) and Radon Transforms or a standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. DMRadon also calculates the velocity distribution averaged over different angular bins.

[ascl:2205.007] EarthScatterLikelihood: Event rates and likelihoods for Dark Matter direct detection in the presence of Earth-Scattering

EarthScatterLikelihood calculates event rates and likelihoods for Earth-scattering Dark Matter. It is written in Fortran with plotting routines in Python. For input, it uses results from Monte Carlo simulations generated by DaMaSCUS (ascl:1706.003). It includes routines for submitting many reconstructions in parallel on a cluster, and the properties of the detector, such as for a Germanium and a Sapphire detector, can be edited.

[ascl:2112.010] WIMpy_NREFT: Dark Matter direct detection rates detector

WIMpy_NREFT (also known as WIMpy) calculates Dark Matter-Nucleus scattering rates in the framework of non-relativistic effective field theory (NREFT). It currently supports operators O1 to O11, as well as millicharged and magnetic dipole Dark Matter. It can be used to generate spectra for Xenon, Argon, Carbon, Germanium, Iodine and Fluorine targets. WIMpy_NREFT also includes functionality to calculate directional recoil spectra, as well as signals from coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering (including fluxes from the Sun, atmosphere and diffuse supernovae).

[ascl:2111.005] CEvNS: Calculate Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering cross sections and recoil spectra

CEvNS calculates Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS) cross sections and recoil spectra. It includes (among other things) the Standard Model contribution to the CEvNS cross section, along with the contribution from Simplified Models with new vector or scalar mediators. It also covers neutrino magnetic moments and non-standard contact neutrino interactions (NSI).

[ascl:2404.020] NbodyIMRI: N-body solver for intermediate-mass ratio inspirals of black holes and dark matter spikes

NbodyIMRI uses N-body simulations to study Dark Matter-dressed intermediate-mass ratio inspirals (IMRI) and extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI) systems. The code calculates all BH-BH forces and BH-DM forces directly while neglecting DM-DM pairwise interactions. This allows the code to scale up to very large numbers of DM particles in order to study stochastic processes like dynamical friction.