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[ascl:1307.019] PURIFY: Tools for radio-interferometric imaging

PURIFY is a collection of routines written in C that implements different tools for radio-interferometric imaging including file handling (for both visibilities and fits files), implementation of the measurement operator and set-up of the different optimization problems used for image deconvolution. The code calls the generic Sparse OPTimization (SOPT) (ascl:1307.020) package to solve the imaging optimization problems.

[ascl:2207.034] SSHT: Fast spin spherical harmonic transforms

SSHT performs fast and exact spin spherical harmonic transforms; functionality is also provided to perform fast and exact adjoint transforms, forward and inverse transforms, and spherical harmonic transforms for a number of alternative sampling schemes. The code can interface with DUCC (ascl:2008.023) and use it as a backend for spherical harmonic transforms and rotations.

[ascl:1610.012] Fourierdimredn: Fourier dimensionality reduction model for interferometric imaging

Fourierdimredn (Fourier dimensionality reduction) implements Fourier-based dimensionality reduction of interferometric data. Written in Matlab, it derives the theoretically optimal dimensionality reduction operator from a singular value decomposition perspective of the measurement operator. Fourierdimredn ensures a fast implementation of the full measurement operator and also preserves the i.i.d. Gaussian properties of the original measurement noise.

[ascl:2312.003] BUQO: Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization

BUQO solves large-scale imaging inverse problems. It leverages probability concentration phenomena and the underlying convex geometry to formulate the Bayesian hypothesis test as a convex problem that is then efficiently solved by using scalable optimization algorithms. This allows scaling to high-resolution and high-sensitivity imaging problems that are computationally unaffordable for other Bayesian computation approaches.

[ascl:1907.005] SARA-PPD: Preconditioned primal-dual algorithm for radio-interferometric imaging

SARA-PPD is a proof of concept MATLAB implementation of an acceleration strategy for a recently proposed primal-dual distributed algorithm. The algorithm optimizes resolution by accounting for the correct noise statistics, leverages natural weighting in the definition of the minimization problem for image reconstruction, and optimizes sensitivity by enabling accelerated convergence through a preconditioning strategy incorporating sampling density information. This algorithm offers efficient processing of large-scale data sets that will be acquired by next generation radio-interferometers such as the Square Kilometer Array.

[ascl:1906.015] OIT: Nonconvex optimization approach to optical-interferometric imaging

In the context of optical interferometry, only undersampled power spectrum and bispectrum data are accessible, creating an ill-posed inverse problem for image recovery. Recently, a tri-linear model was proposed for monochromatic imaging, leading to an alternated minimization problem; in that work, only a positivity constraint was considered, and the problem was solved by an approximated Gauss–Seidel method.

The Optical-Interferometry-Trilinear code improves the approach on three fundamental aspects. First, the estimated image is defined as a solution of a regularized minimization problem, promoting sparsity in a fixed dictionary using either an l1 or a (re)weighted-l1 regularization term. Second, the resultant non-convex minimization problem is solved using a block-coordinate forward–backward algorithm. This algorithm is able to deal both with smooth and non-smooth functions, and benefits from convergence guarantees even in a non-convex context. Finally, the model and algorithm are generalized to the hyperspectral case, promoting a joint sparsity prior through an l2,1 regularization term.

[ascl:2301.027] Puri-Psi: Radio interferometric imaging

Puri-Psi addresses radio interferometric imaging problems using state-of-the-art optimization algorithms and deep learning. It performs scalable monochromatic, wide-band, and polarized imaging. It also provide joint calibration and imaging, and scalable uncertainty quantification. A scalable framework for wide-field monochromatic intensity imaging is also available, which encompasses a pure optimization algorithm, as well as an AI-based method in the form of a plug-and-play algorithm propelled by Deep Neural Network denoisers.

[ascl:2406.026] Faceted-HyperSARA: Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry

Faceted-HyperSARA images radio-interferometric wideband intensity data. Written in MATLAB, the library offers a collection of utility functions and scripts from data extraction from an RI measurement set MS Table to the reconstruction of a wideband intensity image over the field of view and frequency range of interest. The code achieves high precision imaging from large data volumes and supports data dimensionality reduction via visibility gridding and estimation of the effective noise level when reliable noise estimates are not available. Faceted-HyperSASA also corrects the w-term via w-projection and incorporates available compact Fourier models of the direction dependent effects (DDEs) in the measurement operator.