➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
Systemic Console is a tool for advanced analysis of exoplanetary data. It comprises a graphical tool for fitting radial velocity and transits datasets and a library of routines for non-interactive calculations. Among its features are interactive plotting of RV curves and transits, combined fitting of RV and transit timing (primary and secondary), interactive periodograms and FAP estimation, and bootstrap and MCMC error estimation. The console package includes public radial velocity and transit data.
VapoRock calculates the equilibrium partial pressures of metal-bearing gas species of specific elements above the magma ocean surface to determine the metal-bearing composition of the atmosphere as a function of temperature and the bulk composition of the magma ocean. It utilizes ENKI's ThermoEngine (ascl:2208.006) and combines estimates for element activities in silicate melts with thermodynamic data for metal and metal oxide vapor species.
ThermoEngine estimates the thermodynamic properties of minerals, fluids, and melts, and calculates phase equilibriums. The Equilibrate module of ThermoEngine provides Python functions and classes for computing equilibrium phase assemblages with focus on MELTS calculations. The Phases module includes Python functions and classes for computing standard thermodynamic calculations utilizing the Berman, Holland and Powell, or Stixrude-Lithgow-Bertelloni endmember databases, and calculations based on solution properties utilized by MELTS. There are many helper functions available in this module that assist in the calculation of pseudosections, univariant equilibria and the construction of phase diagrams.