➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
Dst is a fully parallel Python destriping code for polarimeter data; destriping is a well-established technique for removing low-frequency correlated noise from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) survey data. The software destripes correctly formatted HDF5 datasets and outputs hitmaps, binned maps, destriped maps and baseline arrays.
Characterization of the frequency response of coherent radiometric receivers is a key element in estimating the flux of astrophysical emissions, since the measured signal depends on the convolution of the source spectral emission with the instrument band shape. Python-qucs automates the process of preparing input data, running simulations and exporting results of QUCS (Quasi Universal Circuit Simulator) simulations.
healpy handles pixelated data on the sphere. It is based on the Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization (HEALPix) scheme and bundles the HEALPix (ascl:1107.018) C++ library. healpy provides utilities to convert between sky coordinates and pixel indices in HEALPix nested and ring schemes and find pixels within a disk, a polygon or a strip in the sky. It can apply coordinate transformations between Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial reference frames, apply custom rotations either to vectors or full maps, and read and write HEALPix maps to disk in FITS format. healpy also includes utilities to upgrade and downgrade the resolution of existing HEALPix maps and transform maps to Spherical Harmonics space and back using multi-threaded C++ routines, among other utilities.
The TOAST software framework simulates and processes timestream data collected by telescopes. The framework can distribute data among many processes and perform operations on the local pieces of the data, and has generic operators for common processing tasks such as filtering, pointing expansion, and map-making. In addition to offering I/O for a limited set of formats, it provides well-defined interfaces for adding custom I/O classes and processing operators. TOAST is written in C++ with a public Python interface, and contains utilities for controlling the runtime environment, logging, timing, streamed random number generation, quaternion operations, FFTs, and special function evaluation.