➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
HelioPy provides a set of tools to download and read in data, and carry out other common data processing tasks for heliospheric and planetary physics. It handles a wide variety of solar and satellite data and builds upon the SpiceyPy package (ascl:1903.016) to provide an accessible interface for performing orbital calculations. It has also implemented a framework to perform transformations between some common coordinate systems.
Molsoft operates, monitors and schedules observations, both through predetermined schedule files and fully dynamically, at the refurbished Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Radio Telescope (MOST). It was developed as part of the UTMOST upgrade of the facility. The software runs a large-scale pulsar timing program; the autonomous observing system and the dynamic scheduler have increased the observing efficiency by a factor of 2-3 in comparison with static scheduling.
prodimopy is an open-source Python package to read, analyze and plot modelling results of the radiation thermo-chemical disk code ProDiMo (PROtoplanetary DIsk MOdel, https://prodimo.iwf.oeaw.ac.at). It also includes tools to run ProDiMo in 1D slap model mode, to run simple ProDimo model grids and to interface ProDiMo with 1D and 2D disk codes (i.e. use input structure from hydrodynamic models).
prodimopy can also be used independently of ProDiMo (no ProDiMo installation is required) and hence is also useful to extract information from already available ProDiMo models (e.g. as input for other codes) or for model comparison.