Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Searching for codes credited to 'Stansby, David'

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[ascl:1903.017] HelioPy: Heliospheric and planetary physics library

HelioPy provides a set of tools to download and read in data, and carry out other common data processing tasks for heliospheric and planetary physics. It handles a wide variety of solar and satellite data and builds upon the SpiceyPy package (ascl:1903.016) to provide an accessible interface for performing orbital calculations. It has also implemented a framework to perform transformations between some common coordinate systems.

[ascl:1906.019] PlasmaPy: Core Python package for plasma physics

PlasmaPy provides core functionality and a common framework for data visualization and analysis for plasma physics. It has modules for basic plasma physics calculations, running desktop-scale simulations to test preliminary ideas such as one-dimensional MHD/PIC or test particles, or comparing data from two different sources, such as simulations and spacecraft.

[ascl:2405.024] ndcube: Multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware arrays

ndcube manipulates, inspects, and visualizes multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware data arrays. A sunpy (ascl:1401.010) affiliated package, it combines data, uncertainties, units, metadata, masking, and coordinate transformations into classes with unified slicing and generic coordinate transformations and plotting and animation capabilities. ndcube handles data of any number of dimensions and axis types (e.g., spatial, temporal, and spectral) whose relationship between the array elements and the real world can be described by World Coordinate System (WCS) translations.