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[ascl:1010.032] Extreme Deconvolution: Density Estimation using Gaussian Mixtures in the Presence of Noisy, Heterogeneous and Incomplete Data

Extreme-deconvolution is a general algorithm to infer a d-dimensional distribution function from a set of heterogeneous, noisy observations or samples. It is fast, flexible, and treats the data's individual uncertainties properly, to get the best description possible for the underlying distribution. It performs well over the full range of density estimation, from small data sets with only tens of samples per dimension, to large data sets with hundreds of thousands of data points.

[ascl:1302.016] XDQSO: Photometic quasar probabilities and redshifts

XDQSO, written in IDL, calculates photometric quasar probabilities to mimick SDSS-III’s BOSS quasar target selection or photometric redshifts for quasars, whether in three redshift ranges (z < 2.2; 2.2 leq z leq 3.5; z > 3.5) or arbitrary redshift ranges.

[ascl:1411.007] segueSelect: SDSS/SEGUE selection function modelling

The Python package segueSelect automatically models the SDSS/SEGUE selection fraction -- the fraction of stars with good spectra -- as a continuous function of apparent magnitude for each plate. The selection function can be determined for any desired sample cuts in signal-to-noise ratio, u-g, r-i, and E(B-V). The package requires Pyfits (ascl:1207.009) and, for coordinate transformations, galpy (ascl:1411.008). It can calculate the KS probability that the spectropscopic sample was drawn from the underlying photometric sample with the model selection function, plot the cumulative distribution function in r-band apparent magnitude of the spectroscopic sample (red) and the photometric sample+selection-function-model for this plate, and, if galpy is installed, can transform velocities into the Galactic coordinate frame. The code can also determine the selection function for SEGUE K stars.

[ascl:1411.008] galpy: Galactic dynamics package

galpy is a python package for galactic dynamics. It supports orbit integration in a variety of potentials, evaluating and sampling various distribution functions, and the calculation of action-angle coordinates for all static potentials.

[ascl:2101.010] apogee: Tools for APOGEE data

The apogee package works with SDSS-III APOGEE and SDSS-IV APOGEE-2 data. It reads various data products and applies cuts, works with APOGEE bitmasks, and plots APOGEE spectra. It can generate model spectra for APOGEE spectra, and APOGEE model grids can be used to fit spectra. apogee includes some simple stacking functions and implements the effective selection function for APOGEE.

[ascl:1702.009] stream-stream: Stellar and dark-matter streams interactions

Stream-stream analyzes the interaction between a stellar stream and a disrupting dark-matter halo. It requires galpy (ascl:1411.008), NEMO (ascl:1010.051), and the usual common scientific Python packages.

[ascl:1702.010] streamgap-pepper: Effects of peppering streams with many small impacts

streamgap-pepper computes the effect of subhalo fly-bys on cold tidal streams based on the action-angle representation of streams. A line-of-parallel-angle approach is used to calculate the perturbed distribution function of a given stream segment by undoing the effect of all impacts. This approach allows one to compute the perturbed stream density and track in any coordinate system in minutes for realizations of the subhalo distribution down to 10^5 Msun, accounting for the stream's internal dispersion and overlapping impacts. This code uses galpy (ascl:1411.008) and the galpy extension, which implements the fast calculation of the perturbed stream structure.

[ascl:2305.017] simple-m2m: Extensions to the standard M2M algorithm for full modeling of observational data

Made-to-measure (M2M) is a standard technique for modeling the dynamics of astrophysical systems in which the system is modeled with a set of N particles with weights that are slowly optimized to fit a set of constraints while integrating these particles forward in the gravitational potential. Simple-m2m extends this standard technique to allow parameters of the system other than the particle weights to be fit as well, including nuisance parameters that describe the observer's relation to the dynamical system (e.g., the inclination) or parameters describing an external potential.

[ascl:1804.009] orbit-estimation: Fast orbital parameters estimator

orbit-estimation tests and evaluates the Stäckel approximation method for estimating orbit parameters in galactic potentials. It relies on the approximation of the Galactic potential as a Stäckel potential, in a prolate confocal coordinate system, under which the vertical and horizontal motions decouple. By solving the Hamilton Jacobi equations at the turning points of the horizontal and vertical motions, it is possible to determine the spatial boundary of the orbit, and hence calculate the desired orbit parameters.

[ascl:2404.014] astroNN: Deep learning for astronomers with Tensorflow

astroNN creates neural networks for deep learning using Keras for model and training prototyping while taking advantage of Tensorflow's flexibility. It contains tools for use with APOGEE, Gaia and LAMOST data, though is primarily designed to apply neural nets on APOGEE spectra analysis and predict luminosity from spectra using data from Gaia parallax with reasonable uncertainty from Bayesian Neural Net. astroNN can handle 2D and 2D colored images, and the package contains custom loss functions and layers compatible with Tensorflow or Keras with Tensorflow backend to deal with incomplete labels. The code contains demo for implementing Bayesian Neural Net with Dropout Variational Inference for reasonable uncertainty estimation and other neural nets.

[ascl:2212.019] m2mcluster: Star clusters made-to-measure modeling

m2mcluster performs made-to-measure modeling of star clusters, and can fit target observations of a Galactic globular cluster's 3D density profile and individual kinematic properties, including proper motion velocity dispersion, and line of sight velocity dispersion. The code uses AMUSE (ascl:1107.007) to model the gravitational N-body evolution of the system between time steps; GalPy (ascl:1411.008) is also required.

[ascl:2312.032] gaia_tools: Tools for working with Gaia and related data sets

gaia_tools contains codes for working with the ESA/Gaia data and related data sets (APOGEE, GALAH, LAMOST DR2, and RAVE). Written in Python, it includes tools to read catalogs, perform cross-matching, read RVS or XP spectra, and query the Gaia archive. gaia_tools also contains various matching recipes, such as matching APOGEE or APOGEE-RC to Gaia DR2, and RAVE to TGAS (taking into account the epoch difference).