Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

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[ascl:1607.016] astLib: Tools for research astronomers

astLib is a set of Python modules for performing astronomical plots, some statistics, common calculations, coordinate conversions, and manipulating FITS images with World Coordinate System (WCS) information through PyWCSTools, a simple wrapping of WCSTools (ascl:1109.015).

[ascl:2308.006] Nemo: Millimeter-wave map filtering and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy cluster and source detection

Nemo detects millimeter-wave Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy clusters and compact sources. Originally developed for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope project, the code is capable of analyzing the next generation of deep, wide multifrequency millimeter-wave maps that will be produced by experiments such as the Simons Observatory. Nemo provides several modules for analyzing ACT/SO data in addition to the command-line programs provided in the package.

[ascl:2310.007] zCluster: Measure photometric redshifts for galaxy clusters

zCluster measures galaxy cluster photometric redshifts using data from broadband photometry in large public surveys, given a priori knowledge of the cluster position. The code retrieves and uses redshift probability distributions in order to create a projected two-dimensional density map of a targeted galaxy cluster, which is later convolved with a Gaussian kernel to smooth the map. zCluster also produces photometric redshift estimates and galaxy density maps for any point in the sky using the included zField tool.

[ascl:2309.014] fitScalingRelation: Fit galaxy cluster scaling relations using MCMC

fitScalingRelation fits galaxy cluster scaling relations using orthogonal or bisector regression and MCMC. It takes into account errors on both variables and intrinsic scatter. Although it geared for fitting galaxy cluster scaling relations of all kinds, it can be used for any kind of regression problem with errors on both variables and intrinsic scatter.