Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Searching for codes credited to 'Mirocha, Jordan'

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[ascl:1109.001] PySpecKit: Python Spectroscopic Toolkit

PySpecKit is a Python spectroscopic analysis and reduction toolkit meant to be generally applicable to optical, infrared, and radio spectra. It is capable of reading FITS-standard and many non-standard file types including CLASS spectra. It contains procedures for line fitting including gaussian and voigt profile fitters, and baseline-subtraction routines. It is capable of more advanced line fitting using arbitrary model grids. Fitting can be done both in batch mode and interactively. PySpecKit also produces publication-quality plots with TeX axis labels and annotations. It is designed to be extensible, allowing user-written reader, writer, and fitting routines to be "plugged in." It is actively under development and currently in the 'alpha' phase, with plans for a beta release.

[ascl:2011.010] ARES: Accelerated Reionization Era Simulations

The Accelerated Reionization Era Simulations (ARES) code rapidly generates models for the global 21-cm signal. It can also be used as a 1-D radiative transfer code, stand-alone non-equilibrium chemistry solver, or global radiation background calculator.

[ascl:2012.013] sedop: Optimize discrete versions of common SEDs

sedop is a Monte-Carlo minimization code designed to optimally construct spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for sources of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation employed in numerical simulations of reionization and radiative feedback.