➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
Pynbody is a lightweight, portable, format-transparent analysis package for astrophysical N-body and smooth particle hydrodynamic simulations supporting PKDGRAV/Gasoline, Gadget, N-Chilada, and RAMSES AMR outputs. Written in python, the core tools are accompanied by a library of publication-level analysis routines.
Tangos builds databases (along the lines of Eagle or MultiDark) for cosmological and zoom simulations. Its modular system generates and queries databases. It is designed to store and manage results from a user's own analysis code, provides web and python interfaces, and allows users to construct science-focused queries, including across entire merger trees, without requiring knowledge of SQL. Tangos manages the process of populating the database with science data, including auto-parallelizing the analysis. It can be customized to work with multiple python modules such as pynbody (ascl:1305.002) or yt (ascl:1011.022) to process raw simulation data; it defaults to using SQLite, but allows use of other databases as the underlying store through the use of SQLAlchemy.
GenetIC generates initial conditions for cosmological simulations, especially for zoom simulations of galaxies. It provides support for "genetic modifications" of specific attributes of simulations to allow study of the impact of such modifications on the outcomes; the code can also produce constrained initial conditions.
RandomQuintessence integrates the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations for quintessence models with random initial conditions and functional forms for the potential. Quintessence models generically impose non-trivial structure on observables like the equation of state of dark energy. There are three main modules; montecarlo_nompi.py sets initial conditions, loops over a bunch of randomly-initialised models, integrates the equations, and then analyses and saves the resulting solutions for each model. Models are defined in potentials.py; each model corresponds to an object that defines the functional form of the potential, various model parameters, and functions to randomly draw those parameters. All of the equation-solving code and methods to analyze the solution are kept in solve.py under the base class DEModel(). Other files available analyze and plot the data in a variety of ways.
LyaCoLoRe uses CoLoRe (ascl:2111.009) simulations to generate simulated Lyman alpha forest spectra. The code takes the output files from CoLoRe as an input, carries out several stages of processing, and produces realistic skewers of transmitted flux fraction as an output. The repository includes tools to tune the parameters within LyaCoLoRe's transformation, and to measure the 1D power spectrum of output skewers quickly.