➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
Many of the most exciting questions in astrophysics and cosmology, including the majority of observational probes of dark energy, rely on an understanding of the nonlinear regime of structure formation. In order to fully exploit the information available from this regime and to extract cosmological constraints, accurate theoretical predictions are needed. Currently such predictions can only be obtained from costly, precision numerical simulations. The "Coyote Universe'' simulation suite comprises nearly 1,000 N-body simulations at different force and mass resolutions, spanning 38 wCDM cosmologies. This large simulation suite enabled construct of a prediction scheme, or emulator, for the nonlinear matter power spectrum accurate at the percent level out to k~1 h/Mpc. This is the first cosmic emulator for the dark matter power spectrum.
Enzo is an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), grid-based hybrid code (hydro + N-Body) which is designed to do simulations of cosmological structure formation. It uses the algorithms of Berger & Collela to improve spatial and temporal resolution in regions of large gradients, such as gravitationally collapsing objects. The Enzo simulation software is incredibly flexible, and can be used to simulate a wide range of cosmological situations with the available physics packages.
Enzo has been parallelized using the MPI message-passing library and can run on any shared or distributed memory parallel supercomputer or PC cluster. Simulations using as many as 1024 processors have been successfully carried out on the San Diego Supercomputing Center's Blue Horizon, an IBM SP.
The DEEP2 DEIMOS Data Reduction Pipeline ("spec2d") is an IDL-based, automated software package designed to reduce Keck/DEIMOS multi-slit spectroscopic observations, collected as part of the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey. The pipeline is best suited for handling data taken with the 1200 line/mm grating tilted towards the red (lambda_c ~ 7800Å). The spec2d reduction package takes the raw DEIMOS data as its input and produces a variety of outputs including 2-d slit spectra and 1-d object spectra.
pyBLoCXS is a sophisticated Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based algorithm designed to carry out Bayesian Low-Count X-ray Spectral (BLoCXS) analysis in the Sherpa environment. The code is a Python extension to Sherpa that explores parameter space at a suspected minimum using a predefined Sherpa model to high-energy X-ray spectral data. pyBLoCXS includes a flexible definition of priors and allows for variations in the calibration information. It can be used to compute posterior predictive p-values for the likelihood ratio test. The pyBLoCXS code has been tested with a number of simple single-component spectral models; it should be used with great care in more complex settings.
IRACproc is a software suite that facilitates the co-addition of dithered or mapped Spitzer/IRAC data to make them ready for further analysis with application to a wide variety of IRAC observing programs. The software runs within PDL, a numeric extension for Perl available from pdl.perl.org, and as stand alone perl scripts. In acting as a wrapper for the Spitzer Science Center's MOPEX software, IRACproc improves the rejection of cosmic rays and other transients in the co-added data. In addition, IRACproc performs (optional) Point Spread Function (PSF) fitting, subtraction, and masking of saturated stars.
SpacePy provides data analysis and visualization tools for the space science community. Written in Python, it builds on the capabilities of the NumPy and MatPlotLib packages to make basic data analysis, modeling and visualization easier. It contains modules for handling many complex time formats, obtaining data from the OMNI database, and accessing the powerful Onera library. It contains a library of commonly used empirical relationships, performs association analysis, coordinate transformations, radiation belt modeling, and CDF reading, and creates publication quality plots.
The Hierarchical Data System (HDS) is a file-based hierarchical data system designed for the storage of a wide variety of information. It is particularly suited to the storage of large multi-dimensional arrays (with their ancillary data) where efficient access is needed. It is a key component of the Starlink software collection (ascl:1110.012) and is used by the Starlink N-Dimensional Data Format (NDF) library (ascl:1411.023).
HDS organizes data into hierarchies, broadly similar to the directory structure of a hierarchical filing system, but contained within a single HDS container file. The structures stored in these files are self-describing and flexible; HDS supports modification and extension of structures previously created, as well as functions such as deletion, copying, and renaming. All information stored in HDS files is portable between the machines on which HDS is implemented. Thus, there are no format conversion problems when moving between machines. HDS can write files in a private binary format (version 4), or be layered on top of HDF5 (version 5).
SNCosmo synthesizes supernova spectra and photometry from SN models, and has functions for fitting and sampling SN model parameters given photometric light curve data. It offers fast implementations of several commonly used extinction laws and can be used to construct SN models that include dust. The SNCosmo library includes supernova models such as SALT2, MLCS2k2, Hsiao, Nugent, PSNID, SNANA and Whalen models, as well as a variety of built-in bandpasses and magnitude systems, and provides convenience functions for reading and writing peculiar data formats used in other packages. The library is extensible, allowing new models, bandpasses, and magnitude systems to be defined using an object-oriented interface.
The chemistry and radiative cooling library Grackle provides options for primordial chemistry and cooling, photo-heating and photo-ionization from UV backgrounds, and support for user-provided arrays of volumetric and specific heating rates for astrophysical simulations and models. The library provides functions to update chemistry species; solve radiative cooling and update internal energy; and calculate cooling time, temperature, pressure, and ratio of specific heats (gamma), and has interfaces for C, C++, Fortran, and Python codes.
Astroquery allows users to access online astronomical data from a wide range of sources; it is an Astropy-affiliated package. Each web service has its own sub-package for interfacing with a particular data source.
Nyx code solves equations of compressible hydrodynamics on an adaptive grid hierarchy coupled with an N-body treatment of dark matter. The gas dynamics in Nyx use a finite volume methodology on an adaptive set of 3-D Eulerian grids; dark matter is represented as discrete particles moving under the influence of gravity. Particles are evolved via a particle-mesh method, using Cloud-in-Cell deposition/interpolation scheme. Both baryonic and dark matter contribute to the gravitational field. In addition, Nyx includes physics for accurately modeling the intergalactic medium; in optically thin limits and assuming ionization equilibrium, the code calculates heating and cooling processes of the primordial-composition gas in an ionizing ultraviolet background radiation field.
PyOSE is a fully numerical orbital sampling effect (OSE) simulator that can model arbitrary inclinations of the transiting moon orbit. It can be used to search for exomoons in long-term stellar light curves such as those by Kepler and the upcoming PLATO mission.
The software framework AMReX is designed for building massively parallel block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) applications. Key features of AMReX include C++ and Fortran interfaces; 1-, 2- and 3-D support; and support for cell-centered, face-centered, edge-centered, and nodal data. The framework also supports hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic solves on hierarchical adaptive grid structure, optional subcycling in time for time-dependent PDEs, and parallelization via flat MPI, OpenMP, hybrid MPI/OpenMP, or MPI/MPI, and parallel I/O. AMReX supports the plotfile format with AmrVis, VisIt (ascl:1103.007), ParaView (ascl:1103.014), and yt (ascl:1011.022).
SpiceyPy is a Python wrapper for the NAIF C SPICE Toolkit (ascl:1903.015). It is compatible with Python 2 and 3, and was written using ctypes.
The MMIRS data reduction pipeline provides complete and flexible data reduction for long-slit and multi-slit spectroscopic observations collected using the MMT and Magellan Infrared Spectrograph (MMIRS). Written in IDL, it offers sky subtraction, correction for telluric absorpition, and is fast enough to permit real-time data reduction for quality control.
ClusterPyXT (Cluster Pypeline for X-ray Temperature maps) creates X-ray temperature maps, pressure maps, surface brightness maps, and density maps from X-ray observations of galaxy clusters to show turbulence, shock fronts, nonthermal phenomena, and the overall dynamics of cluster mergers. It requires CIAO (ascl:1311.006) and CALDB. The code analyzes archival data and provides capability for integrating additional observations into the analysis. The ClusterPyXT code is general enough to analyze data from other sources, such as galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and supernovae, though minor modifications may be necessary.
NuRadioMC simulates ultra-high energy neutrino detectors that rely on the radio detection method, which exploits the radio emission generated in the electromagnetic component of a particle shower following a neutrino interaction. The code simulates the neutrino interaction in a medium, subsequent Askaryan radio emission, propagation of the radio signal to the detector and the detector response. NuRadioMC is a Monte Carlo framework that combines flexibility in detector design with user-friendliness. It includes an event generator, improved modeling of the radio emission, a revisited approach to signal propagation, and increased flexibility and precision in the detector simulation.
Seaborn provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics. Written in Python, it builds on matplotlib and integrates closely with pandas data structures. Its plotting functions operate on dataframes and arrays containing whole datasets and internally perform the necessary semantic mapping and statistical aggregation to produce informative plots. Its dataset-oriented, declarative API allows the user to focus on what the different elements of the plots mean, rather than on the details of how to draw them.
Marvin searches, accesses, and visualizes data from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. Written in Python, it provides tools for easy efficient interaction with the MaNGA data via local files, files retrieved from the Science Archive Server, or data directly grabbed from the database. The tools come mainly in the form of convenience functions and classes for interacting with the data. Also available is a web app, Marvin-web, offers an easily accessible interface for searching the MaNGA data and visual exploration of individual MaNGA galaxies or of the entire sample, and a powerful query functionality that uses the API to query the MaNGA databases and return the search results to your python session. Marvin-API is the critical link that allows Marvin-tools and Marvin-web to interact with the databases, which enables users to harness the statistical power of the MaNGA data set.
SkyPy simulates the astrophysical sky. It provides functions that sample realizations of sources and their associated properties from probability distributions. Simulation pipelines are constructed from these models, while task scheduling and data dependencies are handled internally. The package's modular design, containing a library of physical and empirical models across a range of observables and a command line script to run end-to-end simulations, allows users to interface with external software.
deeplenstronomy simulates large datasets for applying deep learning to strong gravitational lensing. It wraps the functionalities of lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012) in a convenient yaml-style interface to generate training datasets. The code can use built-in astronomical surveys, realistic galaxy colors, real images of galaxies, and physically motivated distributions of all parameters to train the neural network to create a simulated dataset.
The MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline (DRP) processes the raw data to produce flux calibrated, sky subtracted, coadded data cubes from each of the individual exposures for a given galaxy. The DRP consists of two primary parts: the 2d stage that produces flux calibrated fiber spectra from raw individual exposures, and the 3d stage that combines multiple flux calibrated exposures with astrometric information to produce stacked data cubes. These science-grade data cubes are then processed by the MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline (ascl:2203.017), which measures the shape and location of various spectral features, fits stellar population models, and performs a variety of other analyses necessary to derive astrophysically meaningful quantities from the calibrated data cubes.
The MaNGA data analysis pipeline (MaNGA DAP) analyzes the data produced by the MaNGA data-reduction pipeline (ascl:2203.016) to produced physical properties derived from the MaNGA spectroscopy. All survey-provided properties are currently derived from the log-linear binned datacubes (i.e., the LOGCUBE files).
The toise framework estimates the sensitivity of natural-medium neutrino detectors such as IceCube-Gen2 to sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. It uses parameterizations of a detector's fiducial area or volume, selection efficiency, energy resolution, angular resolution, and event classification efficiency to convert (surface) neutrino fluxes into mean event rates in bins of observable space. These are then used to estimate statistical quantities of interest, e.g., the median sensitivity to some flux (i.e., 90% upper limit assuming the true flux is zero) or the median discovery potential (i.e., the flux level at which the null hypothesis would be rejected at 5 sigma in 50% of realizations).
CONTROL (CUTE autONomous daTa ReductiOn pipeLine) produces science-quality output with a single command line with zero user interference for CUTE (Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment) data. It can be used for any single order spectral data in any wavelength without any modification. The pipeline is governed by a parameter file, which is available with this distribution. CONTROL is fully automated and works in a series of steps following standard CCD reduction techniques. It creates a reduction log to track processes carried out and any parameters used.
Jdaviz provides data viewers and analysis plugins that can be flexibly combined as desired to create interactive applications. It offers Specviz (ascl:1902.011) for visualization and quick-look analysis of 1D astronomical spectra; Mosviz for visualization of astronomical spectra, including 1D and 2D spectra as well as contextual information, and Cubeviz for visualization of spectroscopic data cubes (such as those produced by JWST MIRI). Imviz, which provides visualization and quick-look analysis for 2D astronomical images, is also included. Jdaviz is designed with instrument modes from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in mind, but the tool is flexible enough to read in data from many astronomical telescopes, and the documentation provides a complete table of all supported modes.
FALCO (Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer) performs coronagraphic focal plane wavefront correction. It includes routines for pair-wise probing estimation of the complex electric field and Electric Field Conjugation (EFC) control. FALCO utilizes and builds upon PROPER (ascl:1405.006) and rapidly computes the linearized response matrix for each DM, which facilitates re-linearization after each control step for faster DM-integrated coronagraph design and wavefront correction experiments. A Python 3 implementation of FALCO (ascl:2304.005) is also available.
FALCO (Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer) performs coronagraphic focal plane wavefront correction. It includes routines for pair-wise probing estimation of the complex electric field and Electric Field Conjugation (EFC) control. FALCO utilizes and builds upon PROPER (ascl:1405.006) and rapidly computes the linearized response matrix for each DM, which facilitates re-linearization after each control step for faster DM-integrated coronagraph design and wavefront correction experiments. A MATLAB implementation of FALCO (ascl:2304.004) is also available.
DataComb combines radio interferometric and single dish observations and obtains quantitative measures of how different techniques perform to obtain better fidelity images. The package relies on CASA (ascl:1107.013) for the combinations and on AstroPy (ascl:1304.002) for making quantitative
comparisons between different images produced by different methods. Model images and simulations are also used to assess the different combination methods.
Ostrich emulates surrogate models for complex and expensive functions using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to decompose a signal, then interpolate the PCA weights over the parameters θ using a Gaussian Process interpolator. The code is trained on samples from the expensive functions, recreating and interpolating between those training samples with reduced computational cost, and recalculating for each use.
matvis simulates radio interferometric visibilities at the necessary scale with both CPU and GPU implementations. It is matrix-based and applicable to wide field-of-view instruments such as the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), as it does not make any approximations of the visibility integral (such as the flat-sky approximation). The only approximation made is that the sky is a collection of point sources, which is valid for sky models that intrinsically consist of point-sources, but is an approximation for diffuse sky models. The matvix matrix-based algorithm is fast and scales well to large numbers of antennas. The code supports both CPU and GPU implementations as drop-in replacements for each other and also supports both dense and sparse sky models.
baryon-sweep produces a robust outlier rejection while simultaneously preserving the signal of the science target. The code works as a standalone solution or as a supplement to the current pipeline software. baryon-sweep creates the 2D pixel mask and mask layers, processes the sky (non-science target) spaxels, and creates a post-processed cube ready for use.